topos 130: floods
The first issue of 2025 is here: topos 130 is dedicated to the topic of FLOOD. Floods, inundation, inundation - these are terrible natural disasters that are occurring more and more frequently. Climate change is reflected in such events. Cities like Valencia are experiencing nightmares, while in India and Ghana rainwater management is becoming more and more of an issue. In a series of pictures, we show what cities like Washington will look like in 100 years' time if it gets 3 degrees warmer. We have conducted interviews with key players in flood protection.
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about topos
topos - The International Review of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design - focuses on landscape architecture as well as increasingly on architecture and urban planning. It sees itself as an interdisciplinary think tank aimed at addressing the challenges urban areas will face in future. The professional magazine strives to inspire planning practitioners, urban experts and professionals who shape the cities of tomorrow. Every issue of the periodical, that is published quarterly, is dedicated to a different topic and deals with a broad array of projects and planning work in countries all over the world.

Water is in our genes
The Netherlands, largely below sea level, faces new challenges from climate change. Rotterdam focuses on innovative solutions like Maeslantkering, floating buildings, and multifunctional water reservoirs to manage flooding and use water efficiently. The city also integrates green infrastructure, such as roof gardens and the Hofbogenpark project, to improve urban life. This strategy positions Rotterdam as a global leader in water-conscious urban management.
Read more about it in the print issue or the ePaper. Bildcredits: Sjoerd Bracke & Cuno de Bruin

A threatened cultural metropolis
Accra, the capital of Ghana, is threatened by increasing flooding, which paralyses the infrastructure and has considerable humanitarian and ecological consequences. At the same time, the city is attracting more and more people due to economic hardship and climate-induced migration, especially to informal settlements without basic infrastructure. To meet these challenges, Accra is developing strategies for climate protection, urban resilience and social integration by involving the informal population more closely in planning
Read more about it in the print issue or the ePaper. Bildcredits: By Fkoku - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Dangerous Beauty
he spring tide in Saint-Malo, Brittany, is one of the most spectacular natural events in France. This phenomenon, which occurs several times a year, is caused by the combined gravitational forces of the moon and the sun, resulting in exceptionally high and low tides. Saint-Malo experiences some of the most significant tidal variations in Europe, with differences of up to 14 meters between high and low tide.
Read more in the print issue or the ePaper. Bildcredit: Andia / Alamy Stock Photo